One-off Services

TOP one-off services we provide:

Recipe Books

I can create and design a collection of balanced and dietitian-approved recipes into a visually appealing eBook. This is a great way to add value to your service offerings or feel free to sell it for passive income!

Freebie/Lead Magnet Creation

I design high-value, easy-to-digest resources such as cheat sheets, guides, or quizzes that can be offered for free to attract new leads and grow your email list. I can also set up your landing page for you if needed.

Basic Squarespace Website Creation

Did you know I created this website on my own?! Perfect if you’re looking to finally publish your website and don’t want to spend tons of $$$ doing so.

Meal Plans

I create personalized meal plans that align with various dietary needs and preferences, ensuring they are both nutritionally adequate and simple to follow.

Also a great way to add value to services or make passive income!

Ebook Creation

I can produce comprehensive eBooks that cover various nutrition topics, complete with research-backed content, and visually appealing design. Can serve as educational resources for your existing clients or to make passive income!

Presentation Creation

Whether you're hosting a workshop, webinar, or creating a course, I can create an eye-appealing and easily digestible presentation complete with graphics and citations. This will allow you to focus on delivering the content rather than worrying about design and structure.

Email Sequences

I create and schedule automated email sequences that can be for your new product/service, a welcome sequence that goes to your new followers, or anything else you’d like! The content is tailored to fit your brand’s voice and message.

Client Handout Creation

As a registered dietitian myself, I have the expertise to create educational client handouts from scratch, ensuring that they are both evidence-based and user-friendly. I can also re-brand your current handouts to align with your current brand.

Sales Page Creation

Looking to launch a new course, service, or product and want your sales page to stand out and speak to your ideal client?

Instagram Content Creation


In one VIP Day I will create your ENTIRE Instagram content including graphics, captions, hashtags, and I’ll even schedule them out for you so you don’t have to worry about a thing! See below for more info!

Don’t see a task you’re looking to outsource? Ready to book? Want to learn more?

More about Instagram Content Creation VIP Days!

Do you absolutely DREAD creating Instagram content?! Between client consultations, charting, and growing your business, I’m guessing you’ve put creating Instagram content on the back-burner, and you’re NOT alone.

Guess what? I’ve got the PERFECT service for you!

This VIP day includes:

  • Customized and trendy Instagram posts created for the entire MONTH via Canva Pro (templates you'll be able to keep forever)

  • Captions + hashtags for each post

  • A 40-minute call to get on the same page about the content I'll be creating for you

  • Scheduling out the posts for you via the scheduling platform of your choice

  • 1 free round of revisions