Monthly Retainers/Ongoing Support

TOP tasks we specialize in:

Graphic Design

  • Social media graphics

  • Client handouts

  • Presentation creation

  • Business cards

  • Ebooks/Freebies

Community Management

  • Facebook Group management

  • Membership management

Email Marketing

  • Email sequences

  • Landing page creation

  • Email marketing set-up

  • Checkout page set-up

  • Create & schedule emails to mass emailing list


  • Podcast pitching

  • Speaking events

  • Provider outreach

Blog Writing

  • Evidence-based, don’t forget that I’m a Dietitian too! ;)

  • SEO-friendly

  • Keyword research

Meal plan & Recipe Book Creation

  • Meal plan/ Recipe book created via ThatCleanLife

  • Branded and visually appealing design

+ more!

Don’t see a task you’re looking to outsource? Ready to book? Want to learn more?

Monthly Retainer Virtual Assistant Packages

  • Tier 3: Starter

    12 hours per month - $697

    You're looking for someone to take on your small but tedious tasks, allowing you to free up more time for your bigger picture.

  • Tier 2: Maintenance

    20 hours per month - $1,197

    You need more of a steady hand to take the lead through the back end of your business, so you can put your focus into scaling your business.

  • Tier 1: Growth

    40 hours per month - $2,397

    I'll be your right hand, working by your side, allowing you to open the doors to your dream goals. You will be able to focus solely on what you love & get you back to your money-making tasks.