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The Dietitian Assistant

Your behind the scenes bestie helping Registered Dietitians

stress less and save time!

  • “Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong.” -Les Brown

Work with me!

  • Monthly Retainers

    For dietitians that want ongoing support on a weekly basis. YOU get to choose what tasks you need to be done. Weekly communication via Voxer. Click the button below to learn about my list of skills and 3 monthly retainer packages:

  • One-off Services

    Need something specific? I offer a range of one-time services, with prices that vary based on your needs. Click the button below for a full list of one-off services:

  • Consults

    For those who prefer a one-on-one learning experience, I offer consults ranging from 1-2 hours. I’m here to share my 5+ years experience about various systems and skills. Click the button below for the consultations I offer:

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